6" Burrell Gold Medal Cylinder

Click for larger image   

The pattern is in three halves split horizontally (like the full size one is) and there are 9 cores in total.

All the steam ways are cast in, including the regulator, leaving minimal machining for the builder.  

A test cylinder was  cast in aluminium and sectioned in order to check exact position of passageways.   

3 part Pattern

Regulator cores

Core assembly begins

HP & LP cores

Exhaust core






HP tp LP transfer
 Aluminium test casting
  Casting sawn in half
The iron Casting

As cast LP valve face 






Valve chest faced to create datum
face  to work from and clamp to

Cylinder rotated and centres of
bores checked
for horizontal

 stuffing boxes bored
(but left undersize)
Cylinder turned over, tool to
pick up stuffing boxes

Machining HP bore,
LP bore complete 






The right hand hornplate

with the off set pressed in.

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